🟢Smart Contracts & Audits

Last updated: 2024-03-14

Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

GW Contract


Buyback & Burn Contract


FreezeLock Contracts

  • PancakeSwap V2 LP 0x777540E6C5FBe6c0692F6eA8D3810025f90D5777

  • Reserve 0x7776B274032EBD401cedb4D4F198f61C40ffa777

  • CEX Listings & Loyalty 0x77786Deb6E3fbCc3eEAf3eD1d7a04117EBBf3777

Vesting Contract


Lottery Contracts

  • 6/41 Lottery diamond proxy contract

    0x9aAAb92F37a643844Ff1e6ae25b0904faB9Eb067 To get the random number received from the Chainlink VRF contract: 0x933f00d5cfa3A6C1B9Ec347aa7946e7970058F57 (version 3, current) 0xa4CeeadbcBb44fb6135B953a700d6b844FDA8640 (version 2, old) 0x33140d5cd71641ece9ec7345f841960e6aef0f01 (version 1, old)

  • 6/21 Lottery diamond proxy contract 0xA114F874912B83623fB578a7e4c67b9619FA2Bf0 To get the random number received from the Chainlink VRF contract: 0x2ad1886d782E08e1a9aba1B88143b0c00cC71BAf (version 2, current) 0xCF7dEcBc620385F5b604E4Be683757cD4f71B887 (version 1, old)

Ethereum (ETH)

GW Contract


FreezeLock Contracts

  • Uniswap V2 LP 0x777

  • Reserve 0x777D6BeB1fCdB19A1ed73F9A7288D5274d4AF777

  • CEX Listings & Loyalty 0x777


Lottery API Contracts

  • 6/28 Lottery API contract (2 minutes)

    0x757ebaf3281e6e9c322e97cfee4d24e3c339b85e4e5ff13fe18a9c2571432af1 Struct object 0x3fe8de109004c751ab678285515a1ef4dcfac6325a507ce6fa1371d0b1fac52e

Last updated