Community & Governance
Last updated: 2023-08-20
Gyrowin is a 100% decentralised platform.
We are committed to building a community of DEX enthusiasts and attracting more blockchain innovators to bring Gyrowin’s model closer to the public as an accessible entertainment channel.
Especially for our token holders, we bring the most cutting-edge voting mechanism from DAO’s practice to our community.
Every token holder has an equal right to contribute to the community’s growth, and we all move forward to eliminate the centralised authority practice.
In the near future, the community members will vote for the governance committees on behalf of the majority to assess systemic change, which means completely decentralised.
For instance, adding the Euro Millions lottery draw. More importantly, to maintain fair governance and reduce the risk of token dumping.
Our goal is to build a sustainable protocol ecosystem; For that reason, we implement the buyback and burn mechanism for our token mode. Those holding GW tokens will be rewarded for participating and improving the Gyrowin ecosystem. The rewards are funded by 5% of the winning Prize Pool.
Last updated